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Study of Industry Policy Strategy for Processed Rubber Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS) Made from Garden Latex in Efforts to Improve Product Quality THE EFFECT OF THE ADDITION OF CERTAIN FRUIT EXTRACT ON THE PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL, AND SENSORY CHARACTERISTICS OF TOMATO EXTRACT Study of the Use of H2O2 in Acetic Acid Media in the Delignification Process of Acetosolve Pulp from Sugarcane Bagasse and Betung Bamboo Study of Chlorine Contamination on Rice Circulating in Bandar Lampung The Effect of Addition of Glucose and Citrus (Citrus sinensis) Extract on Antioxidant Activity and Organoleptic Properties of Green Grass Jelly (Premna oblongifolia Merr.) Drinks

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PULP PRODUCTION OPTIMIZATION USING THE FORMACELL METHOD FROM PALM OIL EMPTY FRUIT (EFB) Merr) Plastic Packaging in Bandar Lampung Quality Evaluation and Business Analysis of Soy Milk (Glycine Max L. QUALITY EVALUATION AND BUSINESS ANALYSIS OF FRESH SUGAR SUGAR CANE (Sacharum officinarum) IN BANDAR LAMPUNG Jurnal Teknologi & Industri Hasil PertanianĮffect of Scarification Method on Dormancy Breaking on Viability of Sweet Saga (Abrus precatorius ) Seeds.

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