Okay, so it's got wizards in it! And dragons! And you cast spells and that! It's just a bloody game, that's all! I don't go around thinking I can do magic in real life or anything! I don't go down the shops and say, "Right, give me 20 Rothmans or I'll tap my island and cast a Freeze Newsagent spell on you!" I do drink beer you know! I like women! it's only a sodding game!!! (There, there. It's not as if I'm beheading small babies or exposing myself in public, is it? It's only a game. Whether you're a seasoned vet or a Magic: The Gathering novice, there's something for everyone in this amazing game.Well Top Trumps Was Never 'anorakish' was it? Honestly, it's getting so a man can't have an ordinary hobby without being labelled as some kind of sad, trainspotting, socially unacceptable outcast. The game is constantly evolving, with new cards and mechanics being added on a regular basis. It can be intimidating to new players, but there are many resources available to help them learn the ropes. Magic: The Gathering is a complex game with a vast array of cards and strategies. The most common way to play is one-on-one, but there are also multiplayer formats. In Standard, each player must have a deck of at least 60 cards. There are many different ways to play Magic: The Gathering, but the most popular is the "Standard" format. Players use these cards to battle each other, with the goal of reducing their opponent's life total to zero. The game is played with a deck of cards that represent different magical spells and creatures.

It was first published in 1993 by Wizards of the Coast and has been released in many different languages.

Magic: The Gathering is a collectible card game with a following of millions of players.